Creating Heavenly Laws

Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Through the secret passage.

Mother Su Yun smoothly left her husband.

However, it hadn't been half an hour. The pursuers from the Ten Thousand Demon Sect arrived.

Obviously, the secret passage in the room had been discovered. With no other choice, Su Yun could only hide Lin Yuan in a secluded thicket.

"I'll lead them away."

"I'll come back to get you later."

Su Yun said and headed in another direction. As the wife of the top-notch expert Zhang Kun, Su Yun was not an ordinary person.

Even just after giving birth, her strength was not inferior to that of third or fourth-rate experts, and her lightness skill was exceptional.

However. Until two or three hours passed. Su Yun still hadn't returned.

"She probably won't be able to come back."

Lin Yuan thought silently.

For such a long time, if Su Yun had managed to shake off the pursuers, she would have returned long ago.

Not returning indicated she hadn't escaped from the pursuers.

The outcome of not escaping from the pursuers didn't need much explanation.


Lin Yuan sighed softly.

Just a moment ago, he was the highly anticipated heir of the Zhang family.

But now, everything was gone.

"This is troublesome."

Lin Yuan frowned slightly.

Now was not the time for lamentation.

The urgent matter was how to survive.

In this travel, Lin Yuan's situation was extremely difficult.

As a newborn baby, Lin Yuan couldn't afford any big movements.

If he left the swaddle, the only outcome would be freezing to death.

As for crying loudly, attracting the attention of others nearby?

Lin Yuan wasn't sure if what he attracted would be the pursuers from the demonic sect.

Moreover, Lin Yuan's current surroundings were extremely remote, seemingly uninhabited.

He feared that any slight movement he made would attract wolves and leopards.

In the eyes of those ferocious beasts, a human baby was a delicacy.

"What a pity."

"If only it were a few months later."

"No, just a few days."

Lin Yuan felt helpless.

With his extraordinary understanding, given time, Lin Yuan could quickly become stronger.

During his first travel, Lin Yuan was only a three-year-old child and was able to comprehend the Great Arhat Buddha Fist, stepping into the innate realm.

Although there were many restrictions on a baby's body, it wasn't that he couldn't do anything; at least he had some resistance.


It was nighttime.

The temperature began to drop rapidly.

Even wrapped in the swaddle, Lin Yuan felt waves of cold creeping in.

If it were another baby, they probably would have started crying by now.

But Lin Yuan didn't, because he knew that if he cried, it would attract nearby wild beasts, and he would be taken away and devoured by them.


Even so. The innate smell of a baby's milk faintly emanated.

Before long. Lin Yuan heard rustling sounds from the nearby bushes.

Judging by the sound, it clearly wasn't made by a human.

"What should I do?"

Lin Yuan's heart began to race.

If it wasn't a person making the noise, it must be a wild beast.

Faced with wild beasts, Lin Yuan was helpless. To them, he was nothing more than a tasty meal, and they wouldn't feel any sympathy.

As the rustling sound drew nearer, Lin Yuan's breathing slowed.

At the same time, Lin Yuan's gaze suddenly noticed the dry leaves and wood on the ground.

Being in the wilderness, there were abundant plants, and dry leaves and wood were scattered everywhere.

Staring at the dry leaves and wood, numerous insights suddenly surged in Lin Yuan's mind.

[With your extraordinary understanding, observing the withered wood, you comprehend the Withered Wood Breathing Technique.]

[Withered Wood Breathing Technique: Converge all breath by using a special breathing rhythm, simulating the appearance of withered wood.]

In an instant, Lin Yuan's breath continued to converge.

The faint smell of milk disappeared completely.

Even Lin Yuan's skin, originally fair and tender, gradually took on the deep color of withered wood.

From a distance, Lin Yuan looked like a piece of withered wood wrapped in swaddling clothes.


Several meters away, an adult wild wolf paused. It sniffed the air, emitting a puzzled low growl. After lingering around for a while and confirming the absence of any scent of food, the wolf could only turn and leave.

In the swaddle, Lin Yuan's breath vanished, but his consciousness remained. After hearing the rustling sound move away, he released a sigh of relief.

"The Withered Wood Breathing Technique?"

Lin Yuan maintained this art of convergence.

In fact, during his first travel, Lin Yuan had comprehended many techniques related to concealing one's breath.


These breath-concealing techniques typically required the assistance of internal energy and vital energy.

And Lin Yuan, currently just a baby, had neither internal energy nor vital energy.

As for the newly created Withered Wood Breathing Technique, it achieved the goal of concealing breath simply by adjusting the breathing rhythm.

It was something Lin Yuan could currently manage.

"There shouldn't be any danger for now."

Lin Yuan constantly surveyed his surroundings, not letting his guard down.

Time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, half a day had gone by.

Lin Yuan felt a strong sense of hunger.

Every cell in his body conveyed the feeling of starvation.

[With your extraordinary understanding, enduring hunger, you comprehend the Hibernation Breathing Technique.]

Once again, Lin Yuan's extraordinary understanding saved him. The Hibernation Breathing Technique could greatly reduce the body's consumption, and combined with the Withered Wood Breathing Technique, Lin Yuan was nearly indistinguishable from a piece of genuine withered wood.

Two days later.

Lin Yuan, maintaining the last shred of consciousness, experienced a sudden turn of events.

At that moment, a Taoist priest in Daoist robes descended from the sky.

"Someone's here?"

"And a Daoist at that?"

Lin Yuan's spirits lifted.

This was the first living person he had seen in the past two days.

"I don't care."

"If I continue like this, I'll really die."

Lin Yuan quickly dispelled the Withered Wood Breathing Technique and Hibernation Breathing Technique.

Although the Hibernation Breathing Technique could significantly reduce Lin Yuan's physical consumption, it was still just a reduction.

As a newborn baby, sustaining for two days was already the limit.

Continuing like this, even the Hibernation Breathing Technique wouldn't hold up.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan mustered all his strength and began crying loudly.

As the cries of the infant resounded.

The Taoist clearly heard it.

"Is it an abandoned baby?"

The Taoist appeared to be middle-aged, his expression filled with weariness.


"Is this an abandoned baby from the Zhang family?"

The Taoist immediately deduced Lin Yuan's identity from the pattern on the swaddle.

"This jade pendant? It's Brother Zhang's jade pendant? This is Brother Zhang's child?"

Tears welled up in the Taoist's eyes.

He was Longqing Daoist, and a few months ago, Zhang Kun had sent him a letter.

In the letter, Zhang Kun mentioned discovering traces of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

Longqing Daoist immediately set out for Zhang Family Fortress.

However, on the way, he was ambushed by several guardians of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

It delayed him for a few days.

When he finally arrived again.

Zhang Family Fortress was completely wiped out.

Just as Longqing Daoist was disheartened and about to return to Mount Long to report, he unexpectedly heard the crying of Lin Yuan. Moreover, this baby turned out to be Zhang Kun's son.

"Good, good, good."

"Brother Zhang's bloodline lives on."

"Brother Zhang's bloodline hasn't been severed."

Longqing Daoist immediately protected Lin Yuan and reached out to touch him for a while.

In Longqing Daoist's eyes, a newborn baby left in the wilderness for half a day would likely have frozen to death. Although he didn't know how long Lin Yuan had been here, the surrounding environment suggested it was more than just half a day.

Therefore, Longqing Daoist decided to use his true qi to replenish the baby's vitality.

Even though this action would consume a great deal of his energy, Longqing Daoist didn't mind. If he couldn't even save the last descendant of Zhang Jiabao due to his delayed arrival, he would truly have no face to live in this world.


"No injuries on the body?"

Longqing Daoist was astonished.

He found that the baby's body was very healthy, aside from being weak due to hunger, there were no major issues.


Longqing Daoist murmured to himself.

"Child, from now on, you will be a member of our Mount Long."

Longqing Daoist embraced Lin Yuan.

He immediately set off to return to Mount Long.

In the True Martial Hall of Mount Long.

Longqing Daoist stood in front of a venerable Azure Daoist, recounting the whole story.

The Azure Daoist was the current head of the Mount Long Taoist school, a prominent figure in the martial arts world.

"The current sect master of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect is a talented and ambitious individual, having entered the realm of celestial phenomena. Hence, he ordered his disciples to plunder in all directions to demonstrate demonic power."

Azure Daoist slowly spoke.

Then, he took Lin Yuan from Longqing Daoist's hands.

"Poor child."

The Azure Daoist sighed deeply.

"Lord Zhang devoted his life to righteousness. He died at the hands of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect. Our Taoist school will absolutely not let this go."

"By the way, has the child been named?"

"I found a jade pendant in the swaddle with the characters 'Mountain' and 'Peak.'"

"It should be the name Brother Zhang chose for the child."

Longqing Daoist whispered.

"Mountain Peak, Mountain Peak."

"Well, from now on, your name will be Zhang Shanfeng (Shan = Mountain and Feng = Peak)."

The Azure Daoist spoke slowly.

And so, Lin Yuan settled down on Mount Long.

Initially, Longqing Daoist worried that Lin Yuan's crying might disturb others.

However, after a few days of interaction, Longqing Daoist was surprised to find that Lin Yuan was exceptionally well-behaved.

He never cried, and when hungry, he would open his big round eyes and stare at Longqing Daoist.

Almost overly sensible.

As for the need for a baby to drink milk, there were plenty of villages at the foot of Mount Long, including women who had just given birth.

Longqing Daoist would boldly ask these women for some breast milk, barely managing to keep Lin Yuan alive.

And so, ten years passed.


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