Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei

Volume 2 - Ch 12

This chapter is updated by

The cleanup of the case was handled by Katsuto.

The actions of Tatsuya and co could be construed as excessive self defense at best, or unlicensed use of magic causing injury and attempted murder at worst, but the arm of the law would not extend to them. --

The power of the Ten Master Houses ascends beyond that of judicial authorities.

Once it was known that talent in modern magic is influenced by one's genetic predisposition, as a matter of course, lengths were taken to strengthen one's blood.

That means, for countries that systematically classified magic as the form of national power, throughout all these countries in the world, there are already differences from the age when magic was still unknown.

Of course, that also applies to this country.

The result was the formation of a new group to oversee the magic realm in the country.

Those are the 10 Master Houses.

Their history is less than a century old, so the hierarchy is still fluid.

However, the fact is, in the families called the Ten Master Houses, a barrier has already appeared between them and others, one that is hard to overcome.

By repeatedly reinforcing their blood with ties between the Houses, the Ten Master Houses, along with the related 100 Families, possess a marked difference from those who are not of them.

The Ten Houses do not stand in the centre of politics in any way. They do not have any power on paper.

Rather, by using their magic as soldiers, officers, administrators, they are the forefront supporting group of the country.

In exchange, instead of visibly possessing power, they gain inviolable ascendancy on the other side of politics.

This is the path chosen by modern mages in this country.

Currently the two most influential families within the 10 Houses are the Yotsuba and the Saegusa.

Coming in at third are the Juumonji.

--In this case involving the eldest child of the Juumonji, ordinary police would not even be considered to be involved. At the close of the incident, Haruka went on a long term business trip.

The reason behind her treatment, such as it was, stemmed not from the truth.

That person still had not yet given an answer to Leo's question.

Considering a replacement counselor had not yet been appointed; it would seem she planned to come back sometime.

As part of the cleanup, the door to the library which Tatsuya had destroyed with 'decomposition' was instead said to have been destroyed by the Blanche operatives.

Even the school did not pursue the matter further due to the carelessness of the management. Furthermore, more than half of them did not truly believe that Tatsuya alone could have blown through the composite armour of the door. They also hid the fact that another student had stolen the key.

In any case, the presence of First High School students in that place had already been written off.

As far as the adults were concerned, Sayaka's attempted espionage was a non issue.

Sayaka had been admitted to the hospital for a while.

Although the fracture in her right arm was not something to be hospitalised over, because it was found out that the Blanche leader was a user of the systematic wave vibration magic 'Evil Eye', she was taken in to ensure that there was no remaining mind control influence.

Whilst in the hospital, Tatsuya only visited her once. Erika went multiple times, and they became pretty close.

The leader of the kendo club, Tsukasa Kinoe, was also considered innocent. This was because he had been under the influence of serious mind control.

He wasn't expelled but took a long leave of absence, the reason being a voluntary withdrawal.

From the start he had not wanted to be a mage, but simply suffered impairment to his everyday life due to his hypersensitivity to particle emissions.

Tsukasa had attended a magic high school just to learn useful magic in order to keep his magically perceptive eyes in check. After the resolving of the mind control, he went back to what he really had wanted to do - kendo.

Tatsuya's extraordinary magic abilities, with the exception of his comrades who had accompanied him to the abandoned factory, remained largely unknown.

Neither Mayumi nor Mari were aware.

His friends Mizuki, Honoka, and Shizuku likewise remained ignorant.

In truth, both Leo and Erika also didn't realise the full extent of his power.

Tatsuya didn't know what Katsuto was thinking nor why Kirihara didn't say a word, but he was grateful all the same.

That particular magic of his was, as of now, still unknown to the public. In any case, both Mayumi and Mari vaguely seemed to suspect something. Miyuki was depressed for a week afterwards.

On the surface she was the same perfect beauty as ever, but she was seen burying her face in both hands every now and then.

She did this to some extent at home too.

As expected, it seemed she repented her use of 'Niflheim' as having been too much.

Fortunately, due to the Blanche members being caught by chance in a cold sleeve (owing to the nature of the magic, the internals of the members had been snap frozen in the blink of an eye, avoiding membrane rupture), it seemed they had not suffered irreplaceable losses to their flesh .

During that time, Tatsuya had endlessly comforted Miyuki, until she had come out of her depressed mood such that she could smile again despite her sombre condition.

For Tatsuya, school was business as usual, with work for the Public Morals Committee and the Student Council taking up much of his time, but as the entrance period finally drew to a close, he was finally able to settle into a quiet learning environment.

It was now May.

Today was the day of Sayaka's discharge.

Tatsuya, along with Miyuki, visited the hospital to celebrate. (They had taken leave from their morning classes. One of the major benefits of learning from terminals was the lack of a teacher, granting a greater degree of freedom to students.)

In that place was......

"Isn't that Kirihara-senpai?"

As Miyuki spoke needlessly, Tatsuya was already aware.

Dressed in normal everyday clothes, Sayaka stood in the entrance hall surrounded by family and nurses.

In that gaggle, standing next to Sayaka was Kirihara's face, tinged somewhat with embarrassment, and looking rather nervous.

"They seem to be getting along?"

Miyuki naturally also knew of the series of events dubbed the 'Kendo dispute incident'.

Knowing that, and seeing the friendly interaction between Sayaka and Kirihara, was certainly a strange feeling.

"It almost seems like Kirihara-senpai had come every day."

"Heh, that's correct."

Upon turning around to meet that voice which had come out of the blue, he was faced by Erika with a bored look on her face.

"Che, as I thought, it really is impossible to surprise you."

"No, I was certainly surprised. I didn't think Kirihara-senpai had such a diligent character."

"That's not the point!"

Naturally, Tatsuya also knew he was changing the subject, so he simply gave a deceptive smile at Erika's pout.

"Hmph. It's because you're always doing sly things like that all the time, you got dumped by Saya as well."

Tatsuya was not terribly concerned about being dumped or such.

This was not a boast, but the number of female students who had captured his interest was zero.

More importantly

"Erika...... when you say 'Saya', you're referring to Mibu-senpai correct?"

Miyuki voiced the question slightly faster. "Nn? That's right"

"......You seem to have become quite intimate."

"Leave it to me!"

'Leave what?' Was stuck in his throat, but since that seemed likely to devolve the situation further, he decided to leave it be and swallow it.

More importantly, they were here on a hospital visit. "Mibu-senpai."

Bringing along Miyuki and Erika in the rear whether because Erika had suddenly matured, or was uneasy, she seemed excessively anxious Tatsuya hailed the group of people.

"Shiba-kun! You came?"

As the crowd dissolved, surprised at this unexpected development and gossiping away with sidelong glances at him, Sayaka emerged and greeted Tatsuya with a wide smile.

Next to her, Kirihara, for a moment, wore a huffy expression, but even that was a pleasant spice to the peaceful day.

"Congratulations on your discharge." Miyuki passed her the bouquet in both hands.

At first Tatsuya had intended to follow the custom of modern times, and simply have them sent via delivery, but Miyuki had insisted that "these are something you should deliver with your own hands!" in an unusually firm and strong tone, so pushed by that threatening attitude, he decided to bring them along.

The image of Miyuki holding that bouquet was a heart achingly beautiful sight, seemingly far removed from the bleary grey of everyday, and watching Sayaka's cheerful face as she received the flowers, Tatsuya decided it was a good thing he listened to his sister.

"You're Shiba-kun aren't you?"

Taking a step back and watching the girls talking to each other, Tatsuya was relegated to a background role, when a middle aged man called out to him.

Although he had been called by his last name, the target of his gaze meant there was no room for misunderstanding.

Judging from his honed body and sharp posture, he was well versed in the martial arts.

His features also implied a kinship with Sayaka. "I am Mibu Yuuzou, Sayaka's father."

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Shiba Tatsuya."

"I am his sister, Shiba Miyuki. Nice to meet you."

Noticing Tatsuya exchanging greetings, Miyuki came up and bowed politely behind Tatsuya.

He seemed to gape a little at her elegant regal manner, but his expression immediately tightened after as befitting a martial artist.

It was most likely that Sayaka had taken up swordsmanship from her father.

"Miyuki, would you please go look after Erika?"

As Tatsuya looked back and spoke, Kirihara had cornered Erika in the talks.

"Yes. Oji-sama, I'll take my leave."

The person whom Miyuki had referred to as "Oji-sama", Sayaka's father, couldn't help seeming slightly upset, but...

Somehow he managed an innocuous reply.

Of course, both Tatsuya and Miyuki pretended to not have noticed. Once again, Tatsuya turned to face Sayaka's father.

As Sayaka's father full well understood that Tatsuya had sent Miyuki away so he could have Tatsuya's undivided attention, he didn't waste time with any unnecessary preludes.

"Shiba-kun, I am in your debt. The reason my daughter was able to recover was thanks to you."

"I didn't do anything.

The ones who convinced Mibu-senpai were Chiba and my sister.

Then the ones who gave her strength while she was in hospital were Chiba and Kirihara-senpai.

As one who only coldly took her to task, I feel I should be resented, much less deserve thanks."

"If you say that, then I am the one who was unable to take her to task.

I knew my daughter was bitter at her lack of progress in magic, but I disregarded it as an unimportant matter. I was blinded by my own belief that evaluation of magic skills and true combat ability were separate things, and I did not truly realise the extent of my daughter's suffering.

Instead, I took cover behind the excuse of being busy, and didn't face my daughter even as she began associating with a shady company. I'm a failure as a father.

I heard from her everything that happened during this incident.

She said that listening to your words, she remembered what she had lost long ago.

That became the chance for her to wake from her nightmare. My daughter is very grateful to you.

She asked me to tell you that your words were not in vain.

I'm not fully aware of what that means, but what I do know is that her feelings are genuine.

Which is why I want to tell you this. Thank you."

"......Really, there's nothing to be thankful for."

Tatsuya shook his head slightly in embarrassment, and Sayaka's father gave a slight chuckle.

"......You're just as Kazama says."

Those words were enough to penetrate even Tatsuya's coolness. "......You know Major Kazama?"

"I am retired now, but we had shared many days in the barracks as comrades together. We're also the same age. Even now, we are close friends."

He knew that the word 'close' didn't represent the full truth. He knew only too well.

A simple friend even a close friend was not someone Kazama would talk to about Tatsuya.

"Upon finding out that Sayaka held you in high regard, I thought it was divine providence. If possible, I had hoped that a man like you could continue to support Sayaka in the future......"

"...... I am not a person in any position to support anyone just yet."

"...... Then let's leave it at that. That was just the hopeless ramblings of a parent, so please forget it. And of course I have told no one about the things I heard from Kazama, my daughter included, so rest easy. I just wanted, to you as the person who could, and did indeed save my daughter, to say this one thing. Really, thank you so much."

Saying so, without waiting for a reply saving Tatsuya the need for any further humble reply Sayaka's father went back to rejoin his wife.

Shaking his head slightly, putting his considerable disquiet out of his mind, Tatsuya also rejoined his sister.

"Ah, Shiba-kun. What did you talk with my dad about?"

Immediately, sensing in him a floundering man grasping for a straw, Sayaka spoke to him.

It seemed that Miyuki alone was unable to suppress Erika.

"I learnt from him that he was a close friend of someone who had taken care of me."

"Eh, is that so?"

"Yes, it's a small world after all."

"It seems there really is a deep connection between Tatsuya-kun and Saya huh?"

Erika immediately stepped up to the plate. It seemed that she was in top form today.

"Oi, Saya. Why did you switch to Kirihara-senpai from Tatsuya-kun? You liked Tatsuya-kun didn't you?"

"He, hey Eri-chan?"

Watching Sayaka getting flustered, Tatsuya thought of something rather different. (Eri-chan is it......)

These two are very compatible, Tatsuya thought, as if it were someone else's business.

"Erika, I think you're getting carried away a bit too much today." Despite Miyuki's chiding, she paid no attention whatsoever.

It was insufficient to penetrate her peak condition.

"In terms of looks, I'm sure Tatsuya-kun comes out on top."

"......You're a pretty damn insolent woman aren't you."

"Nevermind. Kirihara-senpai, you don't even come close,"

"......You're trying to make me cry aren't you?"


Well then Saya, was the deciding factor his faithfulness? Did this guy's clumsy kindness finally win you over?" Sayaka's face was bright red from ear to ear.

She tried to look away numerous times, but every time Erika would quickly step in front of her probably even using magic at times until finally Sayaka looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"Erika, that's enough" 'Already', he had meant to say.

Thinking that, just as he prepared to forcibly intervene, "Yeah...... I guess, it's as Eri-chan said."

In a weak voice, Sayaka began to confess, and it was too late.

It seemed she had hit her stress limit, and all her mental barriers came tumbling down.

"I think, I really was in love with Tatsuya-kun......"


At Sayaka's confession, for some reason the one who was most surprised was actually Erika.

"Because he had a peerless strength, which I had always longed for. But even as I longed, I was scared."

At Miyuki's look of concern, Tatsuya gave a light smile.

For some reason, his sister was convinced he was a man of delicate sensibilities.

"However hard I run, I will definitely never catch up to Shiba-kun. To try and become as strong as Shiba-kun, I could run and run forever, and no matter how much I run, I'd never be able to be that strong......

This may be disrespectful for Tatsuya-kun, who has so much power, but it's what I truly think."

"......I know what you mean. There are certainly times when I think of

Tatsuya-kun like that."


The first time I had a proper conversation with him was when he first came to visit me, but I thought, if it's him, then even if we fight, we'd always be advancing at the same pace.

And so......"


While disagreeing with her goofy turn of phrase, at heart, Tatsuya thought the same as Erika.

The Sayaka before him at that time was no longer a "seemingly cute girl", but truly a "beautiful girl".

"Hey, what about you Kirihara-senpai? From when did you start liking Saya?"

"......You're a nosy woman. That's not something important.

It's got nothing to do with you anyway."

"That's right, Erika. It doesn't matter from when anyway."

Not stopping there, as Erika paused with a question mark over her head, Tatsuya went on to show them all over why so many people had complained he was a terrible person.

"What's important is that Kirihara-senpai is now totally head over heels in love with Mibu-senpai."

"What! You-?"


"I won't go into details due to privacy, but......

Kirihara's bravery as he faced the leader of Blanche, is something which I think definitely wouldn't lose to anyone."

"I see......

Hey, Tatsuya-kun."


"Tell me all about it later."

"Chiba, you bastard!

Shiba as well, if you tell her about it I'll definitely know!"

"I won't tell her."

"Eeh, it's fine right?"

"Damn you womaan!"

As Kirihara raged and Erika pretended to run about shouting "kyaa kyaa", Sayaka's parents, the nurses, and Sayaka herself looked on and laughed warmly.

As the two of them began chasing in earnest, and Tatsuya looked on with warm, or rather, lukewarm eyes, Miyuki softly came up to stand beside him.



He answered with his gaze fixed on Erika and the others. "Miyuki will follow you always Onii-sama, wherever you may go. Even if you ran away at the speed of sound.

Even if you pierced the sky, and ascended to the stars themselves."

"......However you look at it, I'm not about to do something like that."

At that moment, Tatsuya gave a truly warm smile.

"For now, I think I'll keep my feet firmly on the ground rather than aim for the heavens."

Miyuki returned with a mischievous smile. "Shall we head back to school then?"

"Yeah. If I don't get to the afternoon training, I'll be stuck there all weekend."

Miyuki understood that it was meant as a joke. That was why she could laugh along.

Yet, even so, this time, there was something Miyuki had to confirm, that which she had to ask.

"Onii-sama...... is school not hard on you? In the first place, with your abilities, you have no real need to go to school yet...... You still come, bearing all that contempt and scorn, just for me......"


Her question was interrupted by Tatsuya's voice.

"I am not attending reluctantly. I understand fully well that everyday is something that can only be experienced at this moment.

Being able to be a normal student, with you, is very enjoyable to me."


"And so with that, let's go back to our normal 'everyday' from here." With a hint of embarrassment, Tatsuya held out his hand to Miyuki. Delightedly, Miyuki took that hand.

At the end of the day, Erika came crying to him about missing the practice in the afternoon, and he really did end up being detained for the weekend.

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